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Derrick Skating Club

Where Skaters Thrive

The Derrick Skating Club is a Skate Canada club which has been in operation in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada since 1966.
Learn-to-Skate class

to SKate

Our Learn to Skate programs follow Skate Canada's flagship CanSkate program guidelines. Our Club has a dynamic Learn to Skate program that focuses on fun, participation, and skating skill development.
Introductory Figure Skating Academy

Introductory Figure Skating

Our Introductory to Figure Skating Academy (IFSA) program is designed for skaters between the ages of 4 and 8 (boys age 9) that are interested in and show a natural affinity for figure skating. *IFSA is an invitation only program.

Figure Skating

Our Private Skater figure skating program offers opportunities for skaters of all ages to develop fundamental figure skating skills in the areas of ice dance, skating skills, free skate and interpretive skating. This is inclusive of Skate Canada's STARSkate and CompetitiveSkate programs.

Skating for Hockey & Ringette

Our Skating for Hockey programs include Skate Canada's CanPowerSkate program, as well as Advanced Technical Skating group programs. Private Power Skating sessions are also available.

We support positive space in sport

Contact Us

Questions? Contact us, we are happy to help answer your questions!

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